‘Senior Year’ review

‘Senior Year’ starring Rebel Wilson(‘Pitch Perfect’) is a very easy comedy to watch, which is a good thing. The storyline for this flick is simple enough, a teen in the nineties enters a coma and wakes up in 2021 fish out of water style. Now thirty-seven years old Stephanie Conway played by Wilson decides to head back to high school to become popular again, to be fair expecting her to jump twenty years’ worth of personality development seems unfair, though the film doesn’t seem to agree. By the film conclusion Stephanie will have to have learned twenty years of maturity or else risk alienating her friends and loved ones. Even this plot line is sidelined to allow for a positive feel good ending in which every character seems to spontaneously change completely or pander to others because plot necessities. There is even a Christmas Pantomime style credit dance sequence.

I personally didn’t really find that this films jokes landed with me, and I also didn’t really care too much about any of the characters. If there is only a complaint to be had here it is that two of the side characters are performed by two actors who are clearly a better than they what they are utilised for. Michael Cimino(‘Love Victor’) and Brandon Crane (‘It’ parts one and two) have both shone in the respective roles that I have listed here but boy are they under utilised here.

This wasn’t one that I’m going to watch again, probably ever but I also have no interest in tearing the film apart. It wasn’t incredibly poorly made or anything, it’s not terribly writing just a little aimless and just doesn’t actually shine at all.  I would suggest watching this film if you are super bored, hungover, lazy or otherwise very unenthusiastic about working your brain too hard.


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