5 things to fix,‘The Batman’

The batman is a great film as I’ve said before, however by my third viewing in the cinema I did find the run time tedious, it is far too long, I went to the bathroom four times. . I have a few suggestions as to how it could be shortened, but let’s be clear. IT IS ALREADY BLOODY FANTASTIC. 

Thomas Wayne’s bedroom

When Bruce Wayne is informed that his father,Thomas Wayne, had a man killed he is forced to comfort his feelings about his father. We see Bruce approach and unlock a room which has clearly been locked off for many years, a place that bruce dare not go due to the traumas he suffered in crime alley as a child.  As fans and a media literate Audience we know this must be the case. There’s one big issue with the scene, he have never seen this door before this moment. I would suggest that there must be a different cut of the film where bruce does grapple with the possibility of opening and confronting this door and I would also suggest that we should have seen it. I love the traumatised billionaire aspect and this would have added some of that and an extra show of bruce’s willingness to do whatever it takes to win.Maybe this could even hold some of the very necessary information that is needed to solve Riddler’s game.  


I would completely lose the character of Selina Kyle/Catwoman, most of the information we get from this character could easily be transferred over to another I believe. The only truly significant information we get from Selina is that Carmine Falcone is the rat, via a recording on her phone. This could be passed off to someone else. Another thing is that, Falcone being Selina’s father doesn’t particularly add anything to either of their stories. Whilst I enjoy the little bit of softness that Selina brings to Bruce, that seems a hollow reason to keep the character around, I think she could just be cut out entirely.
Have this information be in Thomas Wayne’s bedroom, Bruce was sitting on top of it the entire time but couldn’t move past his own issues. Perhaps allude to Selina’s existence for a sequel, if you want her to be related to Falcone you can even have that be the reason for her appearance.     

A positive gripe- Alfred

This film could use more Alfred, Andy Serkis’ take on The Batmans famed Butler sidekick is brilliant. This Alfred is both an employee and father figure to Bruce Wayne and they both know it. Neither is very good at expressing their emotions yet when the two are on screen together we can clearly see the bond between the two. I just want to see more Alfred, replace some the of the run time I’m trying to save with him, please.   

The final fight 

We don’t need Batman to have a big Kick-ass stand out flashy fight. we’ve seen Batman hit superman over the head with a sink. I’ve seen Batman fight off Para-Demons in a nuclear wasteland. This iteration of Batman has the capacity of violence and athleticism yes, but it the film is a detective noir at heart. I would cut out this final fight, rather than a physical fight I would make it a mental one. Here’s my scenario, Batman has won, Riddler is locked up in Arkham, But there is one more trap, one more riddle. If Batman doesn’t solve it in time then major will be killed, I don’t know, someone important. A final puzzle, not a final fight. This could shorten the film by 25 minutes or so which would help greatly. I’m just a little bored of big fights especially when I was enjoying the mystery so much. Have this be another brutal truth for Bruce to have to face. 

Make Batman smarter. 

Batman is facing the riddler as the main antagonist so he needs to be behind for the majority of this film at least. Usually called ‘The worlds greatest detective’ Batman is just plain ridiculous at times in this film. Just plain stupid. Batman allows a time bomb to blow up in his face. This is presumably so that the character can be knocked out and wind up in police custody. Why couldn’t he ahve the sense to dodge the blast but be unable to avoid the rubble? Another thing that is explainable but stupid is Batman pounding on bulletproof and hard to damage glass yelling“what have you done?” Repeatedly. Surely Batman knows he can’t get through, no matter how angry he is. Yet another example comes in tailing Selina Kyle by motorcycle, Bruce would have been caught 100%. Selina is on edge and a practiced criminal, but bruce follows her with a what? maybe a Five metre/10ft maximum gap. This would not gstop you from getting caught. But hell it does look good, these are petty gripes. The biggest offender here is letting a bomb explode in your face when it is clearly counting down. Do better Bruce. perhaps in a future film riddler could appear and be absolute Child’s play to defeat. 


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