‘The Batman’ review

The Batman is absolutely amazing…it is far too long though so I have a few gripes, we’ll come back to those later. 

Firstly Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman is perfect, he brings a brooding mood which simply does not lift throughout the three hour run time. It has been said that the joy of Batman is the distinction between playboy bruce and intimidating Batman, something this film lacks. I don’t agree. Bruce Waynes career as Batman is just getting started, the hero is still beating the hell out of people as catharsis regarding his murdered parents. Batman is someone who should really be in therapy, but he has too much money and a high ability to beat people up. Perhaps the playboy persona is someone they can inject into the likely sequels but I don’t think it was needed here at all. I love this take on this protagonist, he is way too caught up in his vengeance to be a hero to the city, perhaps something he needs to think about? Batman is brutal in every beat down, the criminals and the public are rightfully scared of him, even riddler sees him as an ally. 

Lets us talk about Riddler for a moment. To begin with Riddler is very compelling and intimidating, this for me ends the moment he is arrested. Riddlers costume is terrifyingly in its realism and simplicity; and his game is a murderous cat and mouse which will ‘Unmask the truth’ in which he is always a step ahead. This is a great take on the riddler. Even in the parts I don’t like.  The moment Riddler is captured he becomes a pathetic snivelling criminal with an ego problem, all too realistic again. I find it very tedious to watch riddler just be sort of annoying rather than scary and In fact the remainder of the film is largely elements I would scrap if I could. 

The entire last segment of The Batman too me feels like it was placed there by a studio that requires to finish on a flashy action packed set piece. This film was a slow paced detective noir with, yes, a few great action sequences spread through. At this the main villain has been captured, the corruption in the city has been outed and Bruce Wayne has somewhat begun to learn a lesson in being the better man. Now we have to watch as Batman goes through a crowd of riddler look-a-likes and save the day. 

Supporting cast members, Colin Farrell, Zoe Kravitz and Jeffrey wright are all amazing too. Penguin is rightly cockney and just a little bit slimy, with potential to become a real problem, I am hoping to see more of him. Cat-woman is appropriately seductive as well as capable of standing on her own two feet, the trouble is I do think that the character can be lost entirely. Barring one moment of supplying important information she doesn’t do much. But the stand out supporting character is Gordon, not yet a commissioner just a good cop. Gordon is in this film far more than in any other so far, he plays alongside Batman almost like a pair of detectives partnered together. Jeffrey wrights performance is great when it plays off against pattinson’s Batman. 

I have to make a couple last points, The soundtrack of this film cannot go unmentioned, ‘Something in the way’ by Nirvana and Michael Giacchino’s ‘Watchtower’ will be stuck in your head for days. I am still watching around in a blanket for a cape humming ‘Something in the way’ more than a month later.  

This film is a realistic and gritty take on the batman story even more so that Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and it does not disappoint. Every frame of every shot is beautiful to look at and  most of the obstacles in Batman’s way are engaging and tense. 

Watch this film. 


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